Monday, April 11, 2011

1)Record and Play -The first and simple automation framework is Record /Playback.
  • Simple to use.
  • The data is hard coded in script,and script needs to be opened and edited each time data needs to be changed.such Frameworks may result in Pesticide effect (Similar data being repeated in automation scripts)
2)Data Driven Framework-This Framework overcomes the drawback of Record/Playback Framework as far as Pesticide effect is concerned.In this Framework the data is kept outside the script in Data Pool either in form of xls,csv,xml etc and script interacts with Data Pool.

  • The data is not hard coded in Script.
  • Same script can be used for positive and negative testing with heavy data in Data Pool.
  • The repeatable modules cant be reused hence lower the Velocity of automation creation.
3)Modular Framework-This framework overcomes the drawback of Data Driven Framework as far as re usability is concerned .The repeatable modules are kept in functions which can be called in any of script.

  • Velocity of script creation increases after the functions are defined.
  • Maintenance cost is low in case of Change request as we have to do change just in one funcation which is being called in thousands of scripts rather than modyfying all the scripts.
  • This framework cant be used to test a scenario with multiple Test Data.
4)Hybrid Framework - This Framework is combination of all the above Frameworks  i.e.Record/Playback ,Data driven and Modular Framework,hence covers the advantages of all .

  • The Person needs to be technical in order to create the scripts using this Framework.
5)Keyword Driven Framework-Consider a business need when you want to automate an ERP workflow using some automation tool.Now there are two people A(an ERP expert ) and B(an automation expert),so we need to teach automation tool and its programming language to A so that he is able to automate or teach ERP workflows and modules in detail to B.
Both these tasks are challanging ,so a better wayout to handle such scenarios is to develop a Keyword driven Framework by an automation expert.In Keyword driven Framework all the objects and methods are defined and end user just needs to call those keywords.Hence a Layman can use this Keyword to automate business flows.
  • A Layman can automate business flows.
  • The maintainance cost is higher as compared to Hybrid if there is some Change request or Enhancement Request.
  • Some workflows cant be automated without tool /scripting knowledge like we have to manupilate a string for validation.So 100 % automation coverage is not possible if Layman is using the Framework.